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RNAi ExplorerTM Product Line Price List

Standard siRNA Synthesis
The siRNA duplexes provided are synthesized as a single strand oligo and annealed after complete deprotection and purification steps are completed. Gene Link utilizes the most reliable standard RNA synthesis chemistry. The RNA duplex is supplied lyophilized and ready to use.

Standard Custom siRNA Duplex Price List


Standard Purity*

RPC Purified*

PAGE Purified*



Catalog No.


Catalog No. Price

Catalog No

2 nmol
5 nmol
10 nmol
20 nmol
50 nmol
100 nmol
*Please see table below for description of purity levels for standard purity, RPC and gel purified.

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SmartBaseTM siRNA Duplex Yield & Price List.Click for Yield & Price List

siRNA Duplexed Purity Levels
Standard Purity RPC Purified** Gel Purified

Purity is greater than 75%
depending on oligo sequence and structure.

Reverse phase purification recommended.

Gel purification recommended to achieve purity above 95%.

Purity 85% to 95% depending on oligo sequence and structure. Yield and purity will be lower for sequences with high GC content

**RPC is reverse phase purification using a cartridge; a substitue for HPLC.

Purity 98% to ~100% depending on oligo sequence and structure.

Palindromes, hairpins and high GC content oligos and oligos containing stretches of 3 or more G's induce strong secondary structure and base stacking thus decreasing purity and yield.

siRNA (duplexed)

Catalog No.






20 nmol scale*

50 nmol scale*

200 nmol scale*

1 umol scale*

Crude $195 $295 $420 $650
RPC $225 $325 $450 $740
Gel NA $370 $495 $800
*Please see table below for synthesis scale yields for crude, RPC and gel purified.

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siRNA Scale of Synthesis and Typical Yield*
  Crude Desalted RPC Purified** Gel Purified





20 nmol ~5 ~1 NA
50 nmol ~10 ~5 ~0.5
200 nmol ~30 ~15 ~5
1 umol ~150 ~75 ~25
10 umol ~1500 ~600 ~250
15 umol ~2250 ~900 ~375
Purity & Yield

Purity is greater than 75%
depending on oligo sequence and structure.

Reverse phase purification recommended.

Gel purification recommended to achieve purity above 95%.

Purity 85% to 95% depending on oligo sequence and structure. Yield and purity will be lower for sequences with high GC content

**RPC is reverse phase purification using a cartridge; a substitue for HPLC.

Purity 98% to ~100% depending on oligo sequence and structure.

Palindromes, hairpins and high GC content oligos and oligos containing stretches of 3 or more G's induce strong secondary structure and base stacking thus decreasing purity and yield.

Control siRNA Duplexes*



Catalog Number


Negative Control, non-silencing unlabeled 5 nmols 27-6411-05 $118.80
Negative Control, non-silencing unlabeled 20 nmols 27-6411-20 $270.00
Negative Control, non-silencing Fl labeled 2 nmols 27-6411-02FL $118.80
Negative Control, non-silencing Fl labeled 10 nmols 27-6411-10FL $378.00
Negative Control, non-silencing Fl labeled 20 nmols 27-6411-20FL $534.60

*Please note catalog number change. Old Catalog Number was 27-6410-XXX

Positive Controls
Human Vimentin; NM_003380 5 nmols 27-6412-05 $118.80
Human Vimentin; NM_003380 20 nmols 27-6412-20 $270.00
Human Beta Actin; NM_001101 5 nmols 27-6413-05 $118.80
Human Beta Actin; NM_001101 20 nmols 27-6413-20 $270.00
Mouse Beta Tubulin; AF312873 5 nmols 27-6414-05 $118.80
Mouse Beta Tubulin; AF312873 20 nmols 27-6414-20 $270.00
Rat Chromogranin-A; NM_021655 5 nmols 27-6415-05 $118.80
Rat Chromogranin-A; NM_021655 20 nmols 27-6415-20 $270.00
Fluorescein Labeled Controls
Human Vimentin; NM_003380; FL labeled 2 nmols 27-6412-02FL $118.80
Human Vimentin; NM_003380; FL labeled 10 nmols 27-6412-10FL $378.00
Human Beta Actin; NM_001101; FL labeled 2 nmols 27-6413-02FL $118.80
Human Beta Actin; NM_001101; FL labeled 10 nmols 27-6413-10FL $378.00
Mouse Beta Tubulin; AF312873; FL labeled 2 nmols 27-6414-02FL $118.80
Mouse Beta Tubulin; AF312873; FL labeled 10 nmols 27-6414-10FL $378.00
Rat Chromogranin-A; NM_021655;FL labeled 2 nmols 27-6415-02FL $118.80
Rat Chromogranin-A; NM_021655;FL labeled 10 nmols 27-6415-10FL $378.00

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DNA oligonucleotides


200 nmol scale

1 mmol scale

DNA Oligo Synthesis $1.80/base $3.25/base
Gel Purification $75.00 $150.00

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Guaranteed RNAi ExplorerTM Kit

Guaranteed RNAi Explorer Kit is only available for Human and Mouse Reference Sequence (RefSeq) Accession Numbers.



Catalog Number


3 Target siRNA's & 1 negative control duplex. Standard purity, 2 nmol each 2 nmol each 27-6402-02 $360.00

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Guaranteed RNAi ExplorerTM



Catalog Number


Pre-designed 3 siRNA duplex standard purity, 2 nmol each 2 nmol each 27-6430-02 $350
Pre-designed 3 siRNA duplex standard purity, 5 nmol each 5 nmol each 27-6430-05 $450
Pre-designed 3 siRNA duplex standard purity, 10 nmol each 10 nmol each 27-6430-10 $630
Pre-designed 3 siRNA duplex standard purity, 20 nmol each 20 nmol each 27-6430-20 $775

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Handling & Storage
All siRNA are shipped lyophilized at room temperature. These are stable when kept lyophilized at room temperature. Follow established stringent RNase free handling conditions. The lyophilized siRNA duplex should be stored immediately at -20o C. The lyophilized siRNA is stable for ~6 months at -20o C.

*RNAi and siRNA
RNA interference (RNAi) is a specific and sequence dependent targeted gene silencing activity. RNAi acts by post transcriptional degradation of mRNA by small interfering RNAs (siRNA's) of the same sequence. The silencing approaches 100% and has to be empirically determined and optimized. Not every siRNA can effectively down regulate a gene. The process of RNA interference varies by individual siRNA while some do not exhibit any interference at all.
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