DNA Sequencing

Sequencing Order Form        Alligned Sequence Contig          Electropherogram


Gene Link is pleased to introduce Custom DNA sequencing as a service. Gene Link is committed to provide superior quality products and custom services. The Custom Sequencing Service has established itself as an exceptional service in Quality, Consistency and Confidence. Gene Link uses ABI sequencers.

The following categories of DNA sequencing service are provided.

CloneIDSeq                 Catalog No. 15-1001-01                                             $34.00/run

 This service is for plasmid clone and PCR product identification. Unidirectional sequencing is performed using the standard primers or a primer sequence specified by the investigator. There is no additional charge for standard primers (T7, T3, M13, SP6, SK, KS). For custom primers there will be a charge for oligo synthesis. Accuracy of 97% is typically achieved for this service with a read length of 300-500 bases. Sequence data files will be emailed. Hard copies of electropherograms and sequence files and electronic files on disk compatible with ABI sequence analysis software will be mailed upon request at an additional cost of  $12.50.

Turn around time for this service is 48-72 hrs. A 24-hr. rush service is available for an additional charge of $20.00. Failed runs or runs with less than 97% accuracy are repeated at no extra charge. Duplicate failed runs are attributed to DNA and a minimum charge of $25.00 is applied.


DSSeq                         Catalog No. 15-1001-02                                 $1.15/base pair

This service provides complete sequence of the plasmid clone or PCR product. Double stranded sequencing is performed using primer walk. The service costs include primer design, construction of contig maps and the final aligned sequence. The sequence accuracy is greater than 99%. There is an additional charge for all primers synthesized for sequencing. Typical turnaround time is 1kb/week. Sequence data files will be emailed. Hard copies of electropherograms and sequence files, electronic files on disk compatible with ABI sequence analysis software, and all primers custom synthesized for the project will be mailed upon completion of the project.


Bac/Pac/P1Seq                      Catalog No. 15-1001-03                                 $100/run

This service provides terminal end sequencing of the Bac/Pac/P1 clones. Read length of 300 bases is guaranteed. The sequence accuracy is greater than 95%. There is an additional charge for all primers synthesized for sequencing. Typical turnaround time is a week. Sequence data files will be emailed. Hard copies of electropherograms and sequence files, electronic files on disk compatible with ABI sequence analysis software will be mailed upon completion of the project.


Catalog No.




CloneIDSeq, Each Run

$ 34.00


Sequencing Hard Copies, each



Failed Runs



Primer Design; Primer Walk DNA Sequencing



Contig Analysis; Primer walk DNA sequencing



RUSH sequencing service



DSSeq; per base pair



Bac/Pac/P1Seq, Each run



Custom DNA sequencing, base pair






Gene Link custom sequencing order form duly signed should accompany all DNA samples. Sequencing Order Form

Volume Discounts

Please call 1-800-436-3546 to establish volume discount quotes. 

**The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process is covered by patents owned by

 Hoffmann-La Roche. A license to perform is automatically granted by the use of authorized reagents.

Prices subject to change without notice

All Gene Link products are for research use only.

Revised Sunday, January 20, 2002

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