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Antisense Oligonucleotides

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Antisense Oligonucleotides - Ordering Information / Price List
Custom Antisense Oligo Synthesis
Product Catalog No. 50 nmol scale (XX=05) 200 nmol scale (XX=02) 1 mmol scale (XX=01) 10 mmol scale (XX=10) 15 mmol scale (XX=15)
Phosphorothioates 26-6401-XX 3.50 4.25 6.50 50.00 65.00
Propyne dC or propyne dU* 26-6408-XX 130.00 130.00 200.00 1600.00 2000.00
2'O methyl bases 27-6410-XX 6.00 10.00 16.00 200.00 250.00
2'-5' linked bases 26-6414-XX 275.00 275.00 300.00 2400.00 3000.00
Product Catalog No. 50 nmol scale (XX=05) 200 nmol scale (XX=02) 1 mmol scale (XX=01) 10 mmol scale (XX=10) 15 mmol scale (XX=15)
Gel Purification 26-6400-XX 75.00 75.00 150.00 1500.00 1500.00
Reverse Phase Cartridge 26-6400-XX 30.00 30.00 90.00 750.00 750.00

Scale of Synthesis & Yield
Oligo Scale of Synthesis and Typical Yield of Unmodified DNA Oligos*
  Crude Desalted RPC Purified** Gel Purified
20 mer oligo
Typical Yield
30 mer oligo
Typical Yield
50 mer oligo
Typical Yield


A260 Units



A260 Units



A260 Units



50 nmol

8-10 30+ 0.2-0.3 4-5 12+ 0.1-0.16 NR* [1-2] NR* [2-4] NR* [0.03-0.06]

200 nmol

20-25 80+ 0.6-0.8 8-12 24+ 0.26-0.4 4-6 8+ 0.13-0.2

1 umol

100-120 400+ 3-4 40-50 90+ 1.3-1.6 20-25 40+ 0.6-0.8

Purity & Yield

Purity is greater than 80%

depending on oligo sequence and structure. Refer to coupling efficiency table for oligo length dependent purity and yield.

No further purification required for PCR and sequencing applications.

Gel purification recommended for oligos above 50 mer and all applications involving cloning and mutagenesis.

**RPC is reverse phase purification using a cartridge; a substitue for HPLC.

Purity 85% to 95%

depending on oligo sequence and structure

Yield and Purity will be lower for sequences with high GC content

Not recommended for oligos longer than 35 mer.

**RPC is reverse phase purification using a cartridge; a substitue for HPLC.

Purity 98% to ~100%

depending on oligo sequence and structure

Yield will gradually decrease as length of oligo increases. Palindromes, hairpins and high GC content oligos and oligos containing stretches of 3 or more G's induce strong secondary structure and base stacking thus decreasing purity and yield.

*NR Not Recommended

*a. Typical yield stated in the table is for unmodified random sequence oligos. Reduction in yield is observed with high GC content oligos and those forming strong secondary structures.

b. Reduced yield is expected with modified oligos. The reduction percentage varies with modification type and number of sites. Typical reduction is 10%-20% per modified site.

c. Yield of 33µg/A260 unit for DNA oligos is calculated for an ~equimolar base composition. Long stretches of a single base or homopolymers will have variable yields. Example for homopolymeric 20 mer: dA(20) = ~25ug/A260 Unit; dC(20) = ~40ug/A260 Unit; dG(20) = ~32ug/A260 Unit and dT(20) = ~37 ug/A260 Unit

*Propyne Analog Use Agreement
Our agreement with Glen Research who in turn has an agreement with Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. allows us to sell to you C-5 Propynes and G-clamps that are ultimately used for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. In accordance with this agreement, we must inform you of the uses to which these products may be put, which are described below. This product is covered by patents or patents pending owned by Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (�Isis�). Purchase of this product includes a limited license to use this product solely for internal research. This license specifically excludes (and you have no right to use this product for): (a) therapeutic or diagnostic applications (including products or services that incorporate this product), (b) any in vivo toxicity/safety study in support of an investigational new drug application (or foreign counterpart), (c) resale (including sale of any products or services that incorporate this product) or (d) gene functionalization activities (including products or services that incorporate data derived from gene functionalization activities) if such activities have commercial application, any and all of which require a separate license from Isis. Neither this product nor any product created through its use may be used in human clinical trials. In the event you have a separate agreement with Isis regarding this product, which explicitly states that the foregoing is not applicable to you, your use of this product will be governed by the terms of such agreement. In no event does the limited license included with the purchase of this product expand or alter the scope of the license granted pursuant to such agreement.

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